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Don’t Let Labor Day’s Dark History Repeat September 4, 2017 by Ted Bauman Government & Politics The official story is that Labor Day celebrates the contributions that workers have made to the United States. But the truth is a little darker...
Three Theories about Russia: Ally, Cold War Adversary, or Enemy #1? July 24, 2017 by Martin Weiss Uncategorized One year ago, as the crisis in the Ukraine was dying down, Russia was barely on the radar screen of U.S. news outlets. If it appeared prominently in more than one daily news cycle per month, it was unusual. Moreover, few people understood the country, its domestic politics or its foreign policies. Fast forward to […]
Pundits warned that we shouldn't politicize Wednesday's shooting. But how do you depoliticize the attempted assassination of Republican lawmakers? The Better Angels of Our Nature June 15, 2017 by Bob Bauman Government & Politics Pundits warned that we shouldn't politicize Wednesday's shooting. But how do you depoliticize the attempted assassination of Republican lawmakers?
We’re facing another “Apple moment” with a company that has made some stunning technological innovations while still making them sleek, easy to use and cool. A New ‘Apple Moment’ May 12, 2017 by Jocelynn Smith Investment Opportunities We’re facing another “Apple moment” with a company that has made some stunning technological innovations while still making them sleek, easy to use and cool.
Facebook is so dominant that the company essentially is social media. However, Facebook has fallen far behind in the “coolness” curve with teens. Facebook Isn’t Cool Anymore May 9, 2017 by Joseph Hargett Investment Opportunities Facebook is so dominant that the company essentially is social media. However, Facebook has fallen far behind in the “coolness” curve with teens.

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