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The Navy SEALs’ choice proved so battle-worthy, this little airplane has developed quite a fan base in military circles in the years since. Buy This Navy SEAL-Approved Investment November 1, 2017 by Jeff Yastine Investment Opportunities The Navy SEALs’ choice proved so battle-worthy, this little airplane has developed quite a fan base in military circles in the years since.
Stopping the Cybersecurity ‘Spiral of Death’ October 31, 2017 by Jeff Yastine Investment Opportunities We can learn plenty about where the cybersecurity world is headed by following a lesson from history: More automation. Fewer people. Fewer problems.
Tax Reform Means Big Money for Small Investors October 31, 2017 by Michael Carr U.S. Economy There’s a precedent for something as "unprecedented" as tax reform under an unloved president. And the precedent is bullish.
Our national obsession with taxation is misplaced. In fact, it conceals a far more pernicious threat to our collective and individual prosperity: debt. U.S. Household Debt Growth Trends Since 1968 October 30, 2017 by Ted Bauman U.S. Economy Our national obsession with taxation is misplaced. In fact, it conceals a far more pernicious threat to our collective and individual prosperity: debt.
Whoever you think will survive the next food war, the key is that behind all of these attempts to grab consumer dollars are sensors, software and Big Data. Sensors in Your Cereal: The Next Food War October 27, 2017 by Jocelynn Smith Investment Opportunities Whoever you think will survive the next food war, the key is that behind all of these attempts to grab consumer dollars are sensors, software and Big Data.

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