Addison Wiggin is the Founding Director of the Grey Swan Investment Fraternity. He is also the host of The Wiggin Sessions, a podcast covering the financial markets, the economy and politics. He writes financial commentary daily on the Grey Swan’s Daily Missive

Addison Wiggin is a writer, publisher and filmmaker, whose works include the film I.O.U.S.A. and a 3-time New York Times best selling author of the Demise of the Dollar, Financial Reckoning Day and the Empire of Debt, each available in their 3rd post-pandemic editions. He also wrote and edited The Little Book of the Shrinking Dollar in the John Wiley & Sons series. 

Wiggin’s work has been highlighted by The New York Times Magazine, The Economist, Worth, The New York Times, The Washington Pos,t as well as, major news network programs.

In 2000, Mr. Wiggin founded Agora Financial and was Executive Publisher until 2018. Agora Financial and its spinoff Paradigm Press are among the largest independent financial research firms globally and are headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland. 

Early in his career he co-founded with Bill Bonner, The Daily Reckoning, widely acclaimed as the 1st and longest-running financial newsletter on the Internet. The duo became known at the time for unveiling the fraud that came with the .Com Bubble of the early 2000s. And later, forecasting the housing bubble and Financial Panic of 2008 when TIME Magazine named him part of “The Armageddon Gang”. 

Following his work in Empire of Debt, Wiggin wrote and was Executive Producer of the acclaimed documentary, I.O.U.S.A., nominated for the Grand Jury prize at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival and the 2009 Critics Choice Award and shortlisted for a 2009 Academy Award. The film highlighted for a popular audience the 4 great deficits faced by the U.S. economy: trade, savings, budget… and leadership. 

Notable interview subjects for the film and the Wiggin Sessions include Warren Buffett, Alan Greenspan, Robert Ruin, Pete Peterson, Arthur Laffer, Ron Paul, Steve Forbes, Jim Rickards, Alex Green, Porter Stansberry, Bill Bonner, Martin Armstrong, and hundreds more.

Wiggin wrote and directed Risk! examining the often tenuous relationship between entrepreneurs and the government and the threats they face in a dynamic economy. He also co-wrote and was Executive Producer of the biopic The James Altucher Story, available on Netflix. 

Over the years, he’s lectured and developed business strategy across 6 continents. His diverse interests can be viewed daily in essays like Everything I Need To Know About The Free Market I Learned by Following The Grateful Dead; deep dive into American consumer culture in The Mystery of Wyncliffe on the origins of the phrase “keeping up with the Jones’s”; the role of populations shifts played in the great Western revolutions in The Hard Math of Demography and commentary he wrote while visiting the Great Polar Ice Sheets with climate scientists near the Inuit village of Ilulissat, Greenland.

Millions of readers have followed his economic research, financial advice, and off-the-grid investment ideas.