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Digital Dollar Bill Friday Feedback: Great Glowing Greenbacks & COIN Option Hacks
by Joseph Hargett March 11, 2022 Great Stuff
Friday Feedback: The “Delightful Digital Dollar” Edition “The time has come,” Mr. Great Stuff said, “To talk of other things, of cryptos and NFTs and secure blockchains. Of digital dollar kings!” “And why the market is boiling hot, and whether EVs have wings. Calloo-callay, we save today for digital dollar kings!” Great Ones, today, much […]
Dynamite Chips AMD Nvidia semiconductors meme The One About Chips, Dips & Witty Quips
by Joseph Hargett January 14, 2022 Great Stuff
Friday Feedback: The “Chips” Edition Are you ready, Great Ones? Aye-aye, Mr. Great Stuff! Oooooh! Who writes about Wall Street in Kentucky! Mr. Great Stuff! Yellow absorbent and porous is he! Mr. Great … wait, what? It’s best if you don’t think about it too much… It’s Friday Feedback, Great Ones! The day we riffle […]
Great Stuff Great Ones Hydrogen power PLUG Tom & Jerry meme Plug Power’s Primed, Battery Business & The Hydrogen High Life
by Joseph Hargett December 17, 2021 Great Stuff
Friday Feedback: The “Hydrogen Serenade” Edition Welcome one and all to the Greatest show in finance*! (*Your results may vary. Terms and conditions apply. See the back of a Lucky Charms box for details … or something.) This is the day we take your deepest, dankest market and investing questions and put them on display […]

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