The recent Trump rally has the Dow hitting historic highs.

And according to many economists and distinguished investors, this bull market rally is only the beginning.

Larry Edelson, a Money and Markets editor, predicts: “The Dow Jones Industrial will lead the way higher and catapult to 31,000 over the next two years.”

Ron Baron, CEO of Baron Capital, thinks: “It’s going to be 30,000.”

Jeffrey A. Hirsch, editor-in-chief of the Stock Trader’s Almanac, believes it will go even higher: “The Dow Jones Industrial Average will surge to 38,820 in a ‘super boom’ beginning in 2017.”

However, Paul ’s “Dow 50,000” prediction is garnering national attention … not because it’s a bold prediction, but because every one of his past predictions have been spot-on.

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was thrust into the limelight when the hedge fund he managed was named by Barron’s as one of the World’s Best.

But he became legendary when he won the prestigious Templeton Foundation investment competition by making a 76% return … during the 2008 economic crisis (without shorting stocks or making risky investments).

Right now, says: “Stocks are on the cusp of a historic surge. They could easily hit 50,000. It will be a bull market run that will dwarf every other bull market in U.S. history. I’ve never been more certain of anything in my career.”

says: “This new rally is only the start. After Ronald Reagan took office, the Dow surged 1,059% in the biggest bull market in history. And after Trump takes office, it’s going to do it again.”

The drive behind this stock market rally?

“A secret economic force that has driven every bull market for the last 120 years,” explains .

“It’s the same force I used to make $38 million in profits for the Templeton Foundation, in addition to quietly grabbing gains of 634%, 696% and even 2,539% for my own account.”

And while these gains are impressive, was clear that they are nothing compared to what’s ahead.

In fact, the last time this economic force collided with a pro-growth, pro-business president, stocks like Wal-Mart, JDS Uniphase and Dell surged as high 27,504%, 28,894% and even 91,863%.

In a new video, unveils this secret economic force and how it’s already doling out triple-digit winners for everyday investors.

Without mincing words, explains in plain english how “this new bull market will mint more millionaires than any other bull market in history.”

To watch ‘s video with all the details, simply click here now…
