Omicron got you worried?Monthly Market Outlook, Mike explains why he anticipates a strong rally in December. In fact, he is 88% certain of one. When you watch the video you’ll know exactly why. You’ll also discover how I took Chad’s ideas last month and made $280 on one trade … and $490 on another, both in just three days. And not just me — anyone who watched last month’s Outlook had the same opportunity. So does anyone who watches today’s. Chad has a fresh crop of watchlist opportunities. You’ll discover his “sector of the month,” as well as 3 well-positioned stocks inside it. You can buy shares, or buy an option that expires early-to-mid next month to leverage the move.Click here to watch December’s Monthly Market Outlook right now!
Think the Santa Claus Rally is dead on arrival? Mike Carr says have no fear! In today’sThough, not everything is all sunshine and roses…this month’s video. Give it a watch. Our Outlooks are some of the best free content we make available to you in True Options Masters. Happy December! Ciao, Chris Cimorelli Chief Editor, True Options Masters P.S. I trade these free recommendations to show you that you can too. Nothing will make me happier than hearing from some of you who take Mike and Chad’s free advice, and make money with it! So if that happens, be sure to write in to with your story!
Chart of the Day:
Small-Cap Investors Could Use a Drink(Click here to view larger image.)
Small-cap investors thought they were finally getting the breakout they’ve been waiting for all year long… Mike Merson Managing Editor, True Options Masters