In October 2020, I was in a private investors meeting with a few top crypto experts.
We were planning a special advisory to alert people to the new opportunity forming in Bitcoin. It was beginning to look like another epic bull run, the kind we had previously seen in 2017. So far that month, Bitcoin had risen from just over $10,000 to almost $14,000. I urged everyone at the meeting to move quickly… And then I took action. Because it was clear to me what was about to take shape.Here’s what the chart of Bitcoin looked like in October 2020:
(Click here to view larger image.)
Is it as obvious to you as it was to me?
It had just reclaimed its 2019 highs… It was ascending in a narrow channel of higher highs and lower lows… And it was demonstrating the exact same price behavior as it did in 2017, before it exploded higher. I didn’t wait. I bought in. It was clear to me, just based on the price chart, that Bitcoin was going to shoot back up to $20k, its old 2017 highs. Within a few weeks, it did. And I cashed out. Because I saw another opportunity that looked even better.These Crypto Rallies Were SO Obvious
Friends, I swear the next few months felt like taking candy from a baby.
I had a hunch that Bitcoin was going to pave the way for other cryptocurrencies to follow. So I started looking at Ethereum’s chart very closely. In early December, this is what it looked like:(Click here to view larger image.)
Looks pretty obvious, right?
It’s almost the same chart Bitcoin was showing a month prior… and by this point, Bitcoin had achieved a new high. It was clear as day — a classic case of follow the leader. I sold my Bitcoin and bought Ethereum, because I figured momentum was going to switch over. I was right again. I sold Ethereum a few weeks later and pocketed a nice profit. Then I made my most audacious trade ever…In January 2021, Dogecoin was trading for one penny.
Just like Bitcoin and Ethereum, it looked close to reclaiming its old highs:(Click here to view larger image.)
Dogecoin had already climbed from its lows of one-one hundredth of a penny… to a full penny. Sounds like small potatoes, but that’s a 10,000% move. And momentum was clearly on its side.
So I bought… a lot of it. I purchased 2 million coins at a penny, for $20,000. It was the best trade I ever made. A month later Dogecoin rose to 8 cents, and I sold for $140,000. Frankly, I was predicting it would go all the way to a dollar… and in time, it did reach over 70 cents. But I had an opportunity to buy a dream home, and with the housing market the way it was, I did the right thing and sold.What Happened Next
I’d like to say the story ends there. It’s a good story. You can tie a bow around it.a new trading system on his computer. The final result was so incredible… we called it his next trading revolution. Because Mike found a way to turn Bitcoin into a real moneymaker — in both bull and bear markets. He backtested this system to 2015, when Bitcoin was worth just $250… His system is showing a total profit of more than $100,000 since then. Meanwhile, Bitcoin is floating around $20,000. That’s 5 times more profit. What’s more, it showed expert timing on the way down too. It would’ve gotten you out before every major crash. In fact, the worst loss was only 15%. Compare that to Bitcoin’s current loss of around 70%, or its worst loss in 2018 of 85%. That’s 5 times less risk, too. Basically, Mike has taken the #1 asset of the last decade… Engineered a trading system around it to time its rallies and crashes with master precision… And now, thanks to the New Paradigm, you have the chance to unlock far greater profits. Just yesterday, Mike closed out a trade using this strategy for a quick 101% gain. And he’s about to recommend another one… I encourage you to watch Mike’s presentation in full, where he discloses what may be the greatest trading opportunity of all time. And remember, if I could time cryptos as well as I did without any formal training or education… Just think about what Mike can help you do. You don’t have to own any Bitcoin to do this. In fact, you don’t need to have anything nice to say about crypto to begin with. All you need to understand is that Bitcoin is the #1 thing to trade in the world. Mike explains why here.
But, unfortunately, that’s not how things ended. I did buy that house… but I also bought back into dogecoin. And I lost a lot of money. I’ve been very upfront with people… I’ve lost hundreds of thousands of dollars this year, largely by speculating in useless cryptos that contribute nothing to society. I had excellent timing on the way up. I botched it on the way down. I spent some time talking to Mike Carr about this late last year. And it made him wildly curious. He realized if a guy like me, with no formal training or experience, could enact expert timing on the way up, he probably could do it better. And he could probably also figure out when to get out, too. So Mike spent the next few weeks programmingRegards, Chris Cimorelli Chief Editor, True Options Masters