Chad Shoop is a CMT (Chartered Market Technician).

One of only 2,400 of in the world.  An elite group of less than 1% of all financial.

But instead of working for Wall Street, this North Carolina bred wunderkind, builds “out-of-the-box” investing strategies for Main Street Americans.

With one of his strategies… Chad showed his readers triple-digit gains (on average) every month for twenty-four months straight.  That’s 24 winners over 100% including recommendations like…

  • 243% in two months…
  • 465% in three months…
  • 526% in ninety days

His subscribers call him a genius. One wrote, “I made a total gain of 935% in ninety days.” Another said, “I made a 251% profit ($86,000) in four months.” Yet another who started with $13,455, turned it to $72,386 in three days!

So when Chad Shoop’s designs a new “out-of-the-box” strategy, it’s comes highly anticipated.

His new strategy is called “Profit Stacking”. It shows you how to literally “stack” the profits inside your portfolio turning “buy-and-hold” results into 7.8 times more returns.

Profit Stacks

A single up-front investment of $10,000 using “Profit Stacking” could grow to seven-figures in just over twelve years. (Investing more, obviously, would shorten the timeframe.)

Now, building a seven-figure nest egg in such a short timeframe may seem unbelievable, but as you’ve seen, Chad’s unusual ideas get results. And when he explains how “Profit Stacking” works… you’ll see how such a strategy can work.

(Click here to see Chad explain how “Profit Stacking” works.)

Chad says: “The concept of Profit Stacks works because they’re highly predictable. We get cold in the winter. We plant in the spring. We harvest in the fall. These are proven patterns that happen in the stock market too! You can use these patterns to potentially beat the market eight times over … or more.”

Click here to see the full interview.


Past performance is not a predictor of future results. All investing involves risk of loss and individual investments may vary. The examples provided may not be representative of typical results. Your capital is at risk when you invest — you can lose some or all of your money. Never risk more than you can afford to lose.


About Automatic Profits Alert

AUTOMATIC PROFITS ALERT is one of America’s leading financial subscriptions. Chad’s stock-trading strategy shows readers just like you how to more than double their initial investment on a stock. Using Profit Stacks — groups of stock trades across a multitude of profitable sectors — he’s devised a system that promises to crush the usual buy-and-hold approach to stocks.