The one constant in this world is change.

Everything changes — including Wall Street and how investors are able to make money through the unbelievable profit power of stocks.

With each new innovation that comes down the pike — things have changed — but nothing signaled a fundamental shift in the markets like the dot-com boom of the late 20th century.

We were told by the experts that the days of blue-chip stocks tied to American manufacturing were over. That because so much of American production had moved overseas (or over borders) that the OLD ways of making money in the markets had gone the way of the dodo…

Apparently those so-called experts didn’t have the foresight to see that eventually that the business of manufacturing and production would make its way back to the shores of the United States.

They told us that America would never again be the land of producers — just consumers…

But America has experienced a rebirth in this area, hasn’t it?

In fact, it’s fair to say that the U.S. is experiencing ANOTHER industrial revolution — as the technological innovations and advancements have made it economically feasible for an American company to manufacture their own products at home.

“Made in the USA” is a BOOMING trend again…

And we’ve only just now gotten started.

There is a LOT of money that could be made by taking advantage of this manufacturing rebirth…

And ONE man can show us where to start.

Wall Street LEGEND Reveals Details on His “America 2.0” Pick

When you’ve created as much wealth as Paul has you get to brag about it.

However, Paul is a modest man — and would never do that…

Which is why those of us that have had the chance to profit from his wisdom don’t mind doing it for him. In fact, we’re PROUD to do it — as he’s had a hand in helping a lot of people reach their financial goals.

Since 2016, Paul has revealed his No. 1 stock pick for each year — and he has YET to see one not reach returns in the triple digits.

Even more impressive?

Since that first year, he hasn’t had a No. 1 pick return LOWER than 330% — with his biggest returning a whopping 524% to those that were able to get in on his recommendation EARLY.

Well, Paul has released his 2020 pick based on the strength of America’s latest industrial revolution — and all signs point to it potentially being his biggest one yet!

In the video below, he goes into detail about his latest find and why I think it could be one of the driving forces behind pushing the ENTIRE Dow Jones Industrial Average into outer orbit.

Watch it here.


Past performance is not a predictor of future results. All investing involves risk of loss and individual investments may vary. The examples provided may not be representative of typical results. Your capital is at risk when you invest — you can lose some or all of your money. Never risk more than you can afford to lose.