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Happy New Year!

2022 happy new year

Happy New Year!

And just like that, 2021 turned into 2022.

It’s been quite a year for us at Banyan Hill.

We revamped our daily e-letter to Winning Investor Daily.

We welcomed Andrew Prince to the team.

And we celebrated Ian King locking in the largest gain in Banyan Hill’s history.

We’re moving full-speed ahead into the rest of the 2020s, which is chock full of even more tech innovations.

For Ian, this means that crypto will continue to outperform all other major asset classes.

While Steve Fernandez maintains that 2022 will be a strong year for small caps.

And Andrew sees the metaverse frenzy taking off this year.

As for Jay Goldberg, he believes 2022 is the year that cannabis will finally be legalized — leading to massive profits.

But no matter what the new year brings, one thing is for certain. Winning Investor Daily will continue to bring you tomorrow’s trends today —which means you’ll be locking in gains that much sooner.

Again, we wish you the best and brightest New Year!

And if you missed any of this week’s articles, you can catch up below.

New Year, New Articles

Cash in on the Cannabis Stock Rally

Steve is saying it again: The smart money to be buying cannabis stocks in 2022 as they search for growth stocks at cheap prices.

The Dawn of Web 3.0 Is Here

Ian is back with another big prediction for 2022. This will be the year when the new version of the internet, named Web 3.0, goes mainstream.

Invest in Travel’s 228% Growth With This ETF

COVID-19 hurt a lot of companies over the past few years, but especially those in the travel industry. But in 2022, we’ll start to see the real effects of pent-up demand on travel and leisure.

This Crypto Soared 18,325%. Did You Buy It?

One of Ian’s crypto trades just rallied like crazy. It’s the biggest trade in our company’s history by far.

Web 3.0 Will Be Massively Disruptive in 2022

We talk about a lot of huge tech themes in Winning Investor Daily. But Ian thinks the biggest one is the reinvention of the internet as we know it.


Best Wishes,

The Winning Investor Daily Team

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