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Dot-Com Crash Repeat? Find Safe Returns in an Irrational Market

If you can’t shake tech bubble déjà vu, you’re not alone.

This year, investors ignored companies’ underlying revenue and bid up buzzy tech stocks to outrageously high valuations … just like they did in the late ‘90s.

But are we in for a repeat of the 2000 dot-com bust?

In this week’s Your Money Matters, Ted and Clint Lee weigh the evidence … and tell you how to pick stocks in this wild market environment.

Don’t Be Left Holding the Bag

Of course, not all tech stocks are created equal. The big ones — such as Amazon and Google — are certainly profitable. (Whether they can sustain their astronomical valuations may be a different story.)

But investors have also piled into purely speculative tech plays that have no clear pathway to profitability. Even if you aren’t invested in them, this still poses huge risks for your portfolio.

Watch today’s video to find out how to protect yourself and find safe gains.

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To watch the video, click here or click on the image below:

As a side note: We don’t provide transcripts for our YouTube videos. Many of you have asked. However, if you would like to see subtitles, you do have that option. Click the “cc” button in the bottom-right corner of the video. The transcription won’t be perfect, but it should help.

And if you like what you see here, please subscribe to Ted’s YouTube channel. Just click “Subscribe” on the top-right corner of the landing page. And follow him on Twitter here.

Good investing,

Angela Jirau

Publisher, The Bauman Letter