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2 Countries to Invest in as the Dollar Falls

foreign countries to invest in as U.S. dollar falls

Stocks went straight up last week after election day. And it looks like that will continue this week, as investors react to news of a projected Biden victory and an effective vaccine.

The U.S. dollar, on the other hand, took a nosedive. And as you’re about to see, that could signal big opportunities in certain emerging markets.

In today’s installment of Your Money Matters, Ted Bauman and Clint Lee show you the charts that explain why … which countries are poised to soar … and how you can extract the most profits.

Looking Past the Election

Watch today’s video to see some of the best profit opportunities that these extraordinary circumstances have created.

You’ll also discover:

To watch the video, click here or click on the image below:

As a side note: We don’t provide transcripts for our YouTube videos. However, if you want to see subtitles, simply click the “cc” button in the bottom-right corner of the video. The transcription won’t be perfect, but it should help.

And if you like what you see here, please subscribe to Ted’s YouTube channel. Just click “Subscribe” on the top-right corner of the landing page. And follow him on Twitter here.

Good investing,

Angela Jirau

Publisher, The Bauman Letter

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