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The 5G Boom Is Here: Invest In This Life Changing Technology

The new 5G internet is more than 10 times faster than 4G. This massive upgrade will enable a wide variety of new devices and industries, setting investors up for quick 100%-plus gains.

4G is a big reason why smartphones are as prevalent as they are today.

This groundbreaking technology gave us quick and reliable internet connections that made apps such as Airbnb, Lyft and Uber work almost anywhere.

But 4G came out in 2009. That means it’s been an entire decade since our internet got an upgrade.

We’re overdue for faster connections that will enable the apps and devices of the future. Fortunately, 5G is already rolling out in parts of the U.S.

This lightning-fast tech is more than 10 times faster than the 4G internet we use now.

With 5G, you’ll be able to download a two-hour movie … in 10 seconds. Just take a moment to think about how ridiculously fast that is.

This is the biggest innovation we’ve seen in a long time. And in today’s Market Insights, experts Ian King and Ted Bauman explain what you need to do now to grab huge profits.

They also discuss:

To watch Ian and Ted’s eight-minute video now, simply click on the image below:


If you’d like to hear more about 5G, you need to check out Jeff Yastine’s brand-new video ASAP.

His research uncovered an incredible new technology that makes 5G internet even faster and more reliable … as well as the one company with an exclusive stake in the coming $48 trillion 5G boom.

To watch it now, click here.

And remember to scroll down for a wrap-up of this week’s Sovereign Investor Daily articles.


Jay Goldberg

Assistant Managing Editor, Banyan Hill Publishing

P.S. Jeff has spent the past 40 years looking for little-known opportunities for generating massive wealth. And one breakthrough he just discovered may be the greatest technological disruptor of our time. To watch Jeff’s special video briefing that explains everything about this new tech revolution, click here now.