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POLL: Is Office Work Going Extinct?

Office Work extinct? Elon Musk

Tesla workers were shocked this week when CEO Elon Musk emailed them an ultimatum:

Everyone at Tesla is required to spend a minimum of 40 hours in the office per week. Moreover, the office must be where your actual colleagues are located, not some remote pseudo-office. If you don’t show up, we will assume you have resigned.

Musk’s stance contradicts America’s growing trend of working from home.

Amazon, Apple, Alphabet and Meta all allow remote work in an effort to offset the so-called Great Resignation.

So Musk may be in for a rude awakening.

Breeze, an insurance company, recently surveyed Americans about their jobs.

The results showed that 65% of workers who can do their work fully online would take a 5% pay cut to keep working remotely.

With other companies offering flexible work schedules, Musk may find that working from the office is outdated.

Only time will tell.

But we’d like to know: Do you think office work is going extinct?

We’ll share the results in next Saturday’s edition.

And in the meantime, catch up on this week’s Winning ideas below.

This Week’s Winning Ideas

Ignore the Media — The Housing Market Isn’t Crashing — Steve Fernandez doesn’t see a housing crisis on the horizon. Here’s why prices will continue to rise.

LUNA Rises from the Grave — LUNA crashed 99.99% earlier this month. But the team behind the protocol decided not to give up.

These Next-Gen Robots Will Care for the Elderly — This new tech is more advanced than Amazon’s Alexa and Alphabet’s Google Home.

Bitcoin Just Gained Another Billionaire Ally — This billionaire is now a “bitcoin bull.” Here are his latest thoughts on cryptos.

Introducing: Next-Gen Digital Dollars — There’s a new form of digital money that could one day replace the paper money in your wallet.


Best Wishes,

Tiffany D’Abate

Senior Managing Editor, Banyan Hill Publishing

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