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Is It Time to Prepare for the Next Big Bull Market?

Many new investors — people who missed out on the 10-year bull market — look like they’re ready to start buying stocks.

Today I want to welcome those newcomers into the fold with a message … a message that goes for all of you long-time investors as well.

When I say that stocks are headed for a fall, it’s not because I want you to avoid investing.

Quite the contrary. This is about investing wisely … That’s why we’ve put together this crash course in how to get prepared the right way.

A Fresh Start to Make Big Gains

Despite the market volatility, now is actually the perfect time to position yourself for the opportunities ahead.  In this week’s special edition of Your Money Matters, Clint and I will walk you through everything you need to know to get ready.

In today’s video, you’ll find out:

As a side note: We don’t provide transcripts for our YouTube videos. Many of you have asked. However, if you would like to see subtitles, you do have that option. Click the “cc” button in the bottom-right corner of the video. The transcription won’t be perfect, but it should help.

And if you like what you see here, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. Just click “Subscribe” on the top-right corner of the landing page. And follow me on Twitter here.

Stay safe,

Ted Bauman

Editor, The Bauman Letter