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Helium Moves to Solana: What to Know NOW


Ian King here with the weekly Winning Investor Daily update.

And today’s talk is going to be about one of the most ambitious projects, not only in crypto, but also in all of technology. I’m excited to get into it because, you know, I get this question all the time.

Crypto: What is it good for?

Where is its real-world adoption?

Today’s topic is where that is happening.

I’m talking about Helium (HNT).

Helium is a cryptocurrency that came out just a couple of years ago.

But already, it’s made a huge splash in the telecom world.

And this past week, even bigger news came out.

Helium used to run on its own blockchain, but it’s now in the process of moving the token over to Solana.

And this is building up to an incredible opportunity for us.

I dive into all the details in today’s video. Just click below to check it out now:

(Click here to read a transcript.)

So that is it for the update this week on the Helium network. I’d love to hear if you’ve ever mined any Helium tokens or if you have any plans to.

Please write in to with your responses.

Have a great weekend, and I’ll talk to you next week.


Ian King

Editor, Strategic Fortunes