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Four 50% Gains and One Triple-Digit Profit on the Same Day

Editor’s Note: We’ve covered how to buy and sell options, how to select option symbols and how to get your broker’s permission for trades in the Weekly Options Corner so far, plus a lot more.

If you’re new to the Weekly Options Corner, or if you just want to recap what we’ve talked about, you can visit our archive here.

You’ll see where we covered using options to make income, examples of trades and a grab bag of all your questions. We even go into Chad’s premium Profit Trigger!

Let us know what you think of Chad’s Weekly Options Corner here.

We’re excited to have you with us! — Annie Stevenson, Managing Editor, Weekly Options Corner

Imagine waking up to a flood of profits…

If you’re already a Quick Hit Profits subscriber, congratulations! I have a feeling not everyone saw gains like that on Monday morning. But you did.

That’s why I’m changing up our issue a little bit today. Because, frankly, I don’t want anyone to miss out on this special offer only for Weekly Options Corner readers.

On Monday, five of our recommended trades were up 50% or more.

One of them jumped more than 100%, triggering our limit orders to lock in a 104% gain on half of the trade in just 10 days.

In Quick Hit Profits, we place a limit order to sell half of our positions when they hit 50% gains. And it’s for times just like this — quick pops in the market.

That means that when we recommend a trade, we always recommend a second trade to make sure that we can lock in these gains. And the sharp jumps we’re talking about today triggered them. So, these aren’t theoretical gains — they’re real ones my subscribers had the opportunity to lock in on Monday.

Two of them hit 50% in 11 days, while one took 24 days. And the last one took just three days.

And the profits continue to roll in.

I want you to experience the full benefits that Quick Hit Profits has to offer…

Like the five half-positions we locked in profits for on Monday.

You could also be a part of the 100% gain we saw on the second half of our PerkinElmer trade … That gain was in just two months. We also had a 203% gain on a partial position in Facebook in less than a month. And we saw a 124% profit on another partial position of Apple in just two weeks.

And that’s just a few examples.

We’ve seen gains as high as 438% in just four business days earlier this year on half of our position in Tesla.

These are the gains I want you to experience — the type of gains that can be life-changing.

Our Qualcomm example gives you an idea of what we do in Quick Hit Profits. But we won’t be giving away another free trade in Weekly Options Corner for another year, or maybe even longer. So, if you’re looking for the chance to create consistent profits, you must join a premium strategy like Quick Hit Profits.

That’s why I worked out a deal with my publisher that’s unlike anything we’ve ever done at our company.

We’ve created a special offer exclusively for members of my Weekly Options Corner. It is designed to give you a quick start with Quick Hit Profits.

I encourage you to click here to learn more and see how you can get started today.


Chad Shoop, CMT

Editor, Quick Hit Profits

P.S. This one-of-a-kind opportunity won’t last long. I had to twist my publisher’s arm to get this incredible deal for you all, and I don’t know how long he’ll make it available. If you join today, you’ll be eligible to get what adds up to three full months of Quick Hit Profits for free. Click here to learn how you can be eligible for the first three months of my premium options trading service for free.