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Big Prediction: S&P 500 Will Rally 35%

Ian King and Jeff Yastine and I discuss why the S&P 500 Index is headed to 4,000, and which stocks will thrive in the upcoming rally.

There’s a lot of pessimism today about slumping sales for brick-and-mortar retail, the struggling travel industry and the lack of a COVID-19 vaccine.

But my colleague Ian King and I are focused on the latest words from Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell.

That’s because, right now, the Fed is pumping out monetary stimulus unlike anything we’ve seen in history.

In today’s Market Insights video, Ian and I discuss why the S&P 500 Index is headed to 4,000 — a 35% increase over today’s prices — and which stocks will thrive in the upcoming rally.

Best of Good Buys,

Jeff L. Yastine

Editor, Total Wealth Insider