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Trump’s Rule of Law

Take a look at the outperformance on the day these companies' CEOs stopped by to see Trump.

There are new rules by which CEOs must now play, and a few are already gaining a head start.

As you know, this Friday we will swear in the 45th president of the United States of America, Donald Trump.

While there is still a lot to be gleamed about how he will run the highest office in the U.S., one thing we know is that he has an ego that likes to be fed. For example, the companies that saw their CEOs take a trip to Trump Tower since he won the presidential election saw their stocks outperform on average by a full percentage point that day.

Take a look at the outperformance on the day these companies’ CEOs stopped by to see Trump:

This shows the benefit of the CEOs who are playing by the new rules of a Trump administration.

While this sort of sucking up is unprecedented, it’s likely to lead to these stocks outperforming the broader market during his time as president.

So pay attention to the companies that are cozying up to Trump – those are the stocks you want in your portfolio.


Chad Shoop
Editor, Pure Income

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