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How to Game The Stock Market by Paying Attention to Earnings Reports

As I listened to this couple gush about their retirement plans, it occurred to me that they had gamed the system.

It was 3 p.m. — time for tea.

My friend and I wandered through the many maze levels of the cruise to the dining room where an army of waiters waited with trays of tiny finger sandwiches, scones and, of course, tea. At a table with two other couples, we politely swallowed cucumber sandwiches whole and chatted about the other cruises we’d been on.

The middle-aged couple from New Jersey on my left had been on, get this, 26 cruises so far — and they weren’t planning on stopping. In fact, when they retired, they were looking at a 116-day round-the-world cruise. And when that ended, they would simply stay on the boat for the next 116-day journey. And they’d continue on like that for as long as they could.

It was their way of seeing the world, without feeling forced to move into an assisted living facility before they were ready.

As I listened to this couple gush about their retirement plans, it occurred to me that they had essentially “gamed the system.” They had found a way to play by the rules, but still retire on their terms, without forcing themselves into a lifestyle that didn’t suit them.

Of course, they had to have the funds to do so.

That got me thinking about ways I could game the system — and suddenly, I realized that’s precisely what we do when we follow a proven trading strategy. We are playing the system and setting ourselves up to profit on our own terms, in our own way.

Take the strategy that one of our systems experts, Chad Shoop, designed for Earnings Drift. The system:

  1. Takes the guesswork out of knowing if, and when, sudden stock moves are going to take place. Chad’s system uses more than 10 years of historical data on companies’ earnings reports to be able to pinpoint how a stock will react after a certain type of earnings release.
  2. This strategy has given his beta testers a market-beating technique that helps them turn every $10,000 into $20,000 every 12 weeks. Just within the first eight days of the test, they had the opportunity to close out a trade for 101%. Sixteen days after that, there was a 299% gain. A week and a half later, they got word to close a 50% gain.
  3. And it reduces risk to the bone. His profit-taking strategy allows participants to capture quick gains, so there’s less of a chance of returns being eroded by time.

All told, in just 12 weeks’ time, the Earnings Drift beta testers had the opportunity to make tens of thousands of dollars.

Sounds to me like Chad figured out a way to play the system to his readers’ benefit. Of course, it isn’t perfect — no trading strategy is. But when I look through the mailbag, I come across accounts like these:

I’ve been reading through a lot of these emails, and I’ve got to say the response is heartening. I hope those readers have a chance to take those savings and live life on their own terms, the way that couple from New Jersey was able to do.

To learn more about this strategy, just click here.

Whether you use Chad’s strategy or another one, the thing to keep in mind is that it pays to have a system working for you. A simple buy-and-hold strategy just doesn’t cut it anymore, so I urge you to take the time — research the different strategies out there.

Find one that makes you feel secure putting money into it, and then watch your investment far outpace the S&P 500 (which has delivered just 9.7% year to date).

I hope you all have a great rest of your weekend.

Catch you next week.


Jessica Cohn-Kleinberg
Managing Editor, Banyan Hill Publishing

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