Paul is a Wall Street legend.

(Barron’s crowned his hedge fund the “world’s best,” and Kiplinger ranked it in the top 1%.)

But a few years ago, he left Wall Street.

Now, with the pandemic crisis, he’s found a new mission.

“I want nothing to do with Wall Street anymore,” says Paul, “Main Street America is sick of seeing Wall Street getting bailed out, while all they get is little relief check crumbs. My goal is to help hard-working Americans navigate this crisis and even become financially comfortable — no matter how much they currently have.”

He says step 1 is: Ignore all the doom and gloom you see on the news.

Yes, times are hard. But Paul says there’s a $51 trillion recovery now beginning. America’s new spring is here.

And best of all, Main Street Americans will be the biggest winners.

“This will revive shuttered businesses, unleash pent-up consumer demand, revive the American middle class, and spark a historic 50,000-point stock market rally — creating NEW millionaires, not just enriching the 1%.” — Paul

All Americans will feel it. They’ll start noticing better paychecks, bigger 401(k)s and booming businesses.

But unfortunately, most won’t see it coming. They’ll be caught up in all of the bad news.

So they’ll miss the real rewards — the chance to earn MILLIONS — no matter how much they currently have.

Paul doesn’t want that to happen.

And that’s why, in a newly released presentation for the American public, he shares full details on the technology behind America’s $51 trillion recovery … a technology so powerful that it releases “endless energy.”

That means energy that NEVER runs out. Energy that’s on demand, 24/7, virtually free of charge.

Projections put its market potential at $51 TRILLION.

Even better, this isn’t something far off in the future. It’s rolling out now, by federal mandate.

“This technology will take $4,400 from the power companies, and keep it in your pocket, no matter what you do.”

“But it’s also created an incredible opportunity to generate even more fortunes.”

Paul believes those who buy into the tiny company behind this technology will be the new millionaires of the post-pandemic age.

Click here to see the full presentation.



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About Profits Unlimited

Profits Unlimited is one of America’s leading financial newsletter research advisories. Paul has been featured on CNBC, Fox Business News and Bloomberg TV. He uses his skills, experience and knowledge as a former Wall Street insider to introduce his more than 130,000 subscribers to stocks that are primed to grow.