America would not be the country we know and love without one very important component: our service men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces.

But service members are more than a fighting force. They are leaders, humanitarians and your fellow Americans.

There are more than 18.6 million military veterans in the United States. They make up half of our workforce. But they face challenges in our economy that nonveterans don’t, such as later graduation dates and disabilities acquired in duty.

Our veterans’ struggles and sacrifices aren’t lost on Jeff Yastine, former decorated news anchor and financial correspondent with over two decades of investing experience.

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In his view, the most successful companies follow the same kind of formula.

They keep an extreme focus on one big idea.

Similar to the discipline, hard work and focus required to be a serviceman. That’s why the results of a recent study aren’t surprising.

Published in the Journal of Veteran Studies, it was found that firms with veteran-friendly practices actually saw better financial performance than less vet-friendly firms.

How much better?

One company’s stock — revealed in Jeff’s latest report — recently jumped more than 40% in just eight months. And he predicts it will rise much higher.

This company is committed to fostering a supportive culture for veterans and their families. So committed that they are publicly recognized for the benefits they create for the military community.

Veterans aren’t just considered more in the hiring process. This company has established communities just for veterans. And it creates opportunities for advancement.

These company-wide initiatives aren’t just great for veterans … they’re great for investors. This company consistently beats out its competitors’ revenue growth and profitability. And the rising stock price shows it — as you’ll see in Jeff’s latest report.

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