Welcome to Flow Matrix Alert, a trading service that lets you grab big gains as quickly and as simply as possible.

Academics have shown that buying recent stock winners and selling recent losers — or momentum investing — generates higher returns than the overall market.

But it isn’t just U.S. stocks. A 2013 study assessed 215 years of market data and found momentum can generate outsized returns for foreign stocks, bonds, currencies and commodities.

And Jeff Yastine and Brian Christopher have generated a system to take advantage of it.

In creating a system to find U.S. stocks that benefit from market uptrends and suffer from market weakness, they kept the “KISS principle” — Keep It Simple, Stupid — in mind.

Brian is even using a “profit accelerator” — options — to magnify your gains exponentially. You may have heard that trading options is complicated and time-consuming — but with this KISS system, you’ll be an options trading pro in no time.

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For instance, in Jeff and Brian’s beta test, they were alerted to a beaten-down retailer that had sold off but showed signs of bottoming. Beta testers bought on June 21, then sold six days later — tripling their money.

Had you bought and held the stock, you would’ve only made a 31% profit. But because Brian recommended options, readers were able to leverage their gains up to 200%!

We’re excited to have you on board! Here’s what you’ll receive as one of the first members of Flow Matrix Alert:

  • Trade alerts. When the Flow Matrix Alert system triggers a buy (on average, two trades a month), Jeff and Brian will send you an email with the complete trade instructions. Even if you’re new to options, you’ll be able to put these directions in with your broker quickly and easily.
  • Brian Christopher’s Flow Matrix Alert trading manual. This detailed guide will be your key to hitting the ground running. It explains Brian’s approach to trading this service, what kind of trades to expect, how to trade and how to exit. We suggest reading this before you dig into anything else.
  • Weekly updates. Each week, we’ll put together a detailed market analysis. You’ll hear from Brian each Tuesday on how your positions are doing and what to expect from the current market.
  • 24/7 access to the members-only Flow Matrix Alert website. You’ll have an exclusive login and password to our encrypted website, where you can access every trade alert, the entire model portfolio and more. Anything ever published for Flow Matrix Alert members will be available to you here, anytime you ever want to access it.
  • Real-time access to the model portfolio. This model portfolio is your wealth-building meter. It will give you a constant, up-to-date tally of how much the portfolio has grown from the day the Flow Matrix Alert system went live, right up until the present moment.
  • Direct support from a dedicated customer service team. You’ll receive a confidential number, giving you direct access to our highly trained and specialized client care team. These are men and women we’ve worked with specifically to help you with any issues regarding your Flow Matrix Alert subscription.

We’re eager to deliver fast, massive gains to you with our exclusive new strategy.

Again, welcome to Flow Matrix Alert!

Jeff Yastine

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