Bitcoin Banned This Year??

Crypto may soon be DEAD.

If you’ve invested any money in cryptocurrencies…

You need to pay close attention to this message.

One American CEO is sounding the warning about a new congressional bill that would effectively kill crypto in America.

Before you put another dollar into cryptocurrencies, you should watch his warning.

Because thanks to a little-known bill by a Massachusetts Senator…

The cryptocurrency market could be totally disrupted…

The critical date?

Just a few months from now.

But you can still fight these attacks on your personal freedom…

And potentially profit from what’s coming.

It’s all thanks to a critical presentation by Aaron James.

Now, Aaron James isn’t a household name…

He hasn’t made the rounds on financial TV…

He’s not a best-selling author…

He doesn’t have a podcast.

But he is the CEO of one of the largest financial research firms in America…

Reaching hundreds of thousands of Americans every single day.

He’s spent the past two decades showing Main Street investors… as well as some of the biggest names you know.

He’s shown them all how to protect their money from financial threats like Rule 613…

And from sudden market crashes and recessions.

But he’s not a doom and gloomer…

He’s shown them how to grow their money to become wealthier than ever before, too…

Revealing some of the biggest money-making opportunities to everyday Americans.

From the crypto boom…

To the AI bull market that’s been sweeping the world this year.

But now, he’s published a critical warning about what’s coming just months from now…

Click here to see everything you need.