I’ve spent my life helping people achieve and maintain fortunes.

I’m proud to say, the global organization I founded over two decades ago has helped 14 million people in 75 countries attain personal freedom and financial independence.

But my biggest accomplishment to date is the independent financial research team I established with my father, Robert Bauman — a former U.S. Congressman who served with every president from Dwight D. Eisenhower to Ronald Reagan.

My team and I have spent over 15 years and $7.5 million dollars researching, analyzing and archiving the secrets of the ultra-rich. And in the last 24 months alone we’ve been compiling these secrets into what has quickly become the most ambitious project in our research firm’s history.

A project with a single goal…

To help give anyone — regardless of age, income or investment experience — the chance to grab 10 TIMES more wealth by using proven secrets of the ultra-rich.

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Secrets like the one that helped Jack Morris go from an average five-figure job to now living in one of the most prestigious postal codes in the world and on track to add hundreds of thousands to his nest egg.

And there are many more folks just like Jack who are using the proven secrets to grab 10 times the wealth and 10 times the personal freedom.

By subscribing to my biggest and boldest initiative — the 10X Project — you’re going to see exactly how this world works and more importantly, how you can tap into it. Secrets like:

  • The eight ways the IRS manages to stick ordinary folks with higher taxes and how you can put an end to them immediately.
  • How to get the top banking havens of the world to roll out the red carpet for you with a single phone call.
  • How to crush 100 common legal problems that any lawyer can help you with — everything from cheaply protecting intellectual property, patents and trademarks to a simple one-page form that could ensure your rights as a landlord in a court of law.
  • How to keep your money in the family for generations, with a simple strategy that sends greedy attorneys packing.
  • How to bulletproof your investments against the IRS, hackers and fraudsters with strict “back-channel” banking secrets, so no one knows where your money goes.
  • And much, much more.

In addition, you’ll have direct access to cutting edge strategies and special reports, like 7 Surprising Ways to Legally Keep What’s Yours and Out of Harm’s Way: 3 Keys to Keeping Your Nest Egg Safe in a World Gone Mad, just to name a couple.

PLUS, you will receive lifetime memberships to my research services The Bauman Letter and Alpha Stock Alert.

It’s definitely not something you want to overlook. If you aren’t already member, join today!


Ted Bauman

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