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Changing Up the Playbook (First Put of the Year)

It’s been a rocky Q3 for the stock market…The S&P 500 hit a new YTD low this morning.Every chart looks like a child’s drawing of a mountain range.Up, down, up, down…So, what’s a trader to do?Well, just like in life, you always have choices when faced with unfortunate circumstances.You can fold. Give in. Liquidate your account and let inflation wither away your capital like a corn stalk in November.Or, you can pick yourself up, apply the lessons you’ve learned through adversity, and keep going strong.You guys know which option I choose.It’s helped make me the person I am today.And now, I’m helping others stay afloat while everyone else is drowning.Take Trade Kings for instance…We opened and closed two official trades this week, and both were winners.I showed you the big win from the LVS calls on Monday.If you missed it, here’s what folks were saying:

These are just a few of the messages I received… Plenty more where those came from.But we also opened and closed GOOGL calls this week.We had to settle for smaller gains on this one, thanks to the market tanking on Wednesday, but we were still able to get out with over 25% profit.We held those GOOGL calls for less than 24 hours, because it’s all about rolling with the punches in a market like this.Similar to how the best coaches in sports make crucial adjustments at halftime based on what they saw in the first half.Speaking of, I made an adjustment this week doing something I hadn’t done all year… I called a put signal.I know, I know… That doesn’t sound like the AK you know and love. But, I saw which way the wind was blowing, and decided to tweak the upside-only strategy I’ve used all year and give us even more action to trade.Yesterday, the MoonShots scanner alerted me to a put signal in GME:

To the surprise of many in the Trade Room, I mentioned this in the chat… And less than 20 minutes later, folks were winning:

As for Mark G’s comment, this might not happen every single day, but 22% in less than an hour’s work is what we do here at Trade KingsBrian G made his first ever profit trading puts:

Great trading, people.Now, I’m still bullish at heart… But I made the adjustment.We’re heading into Q4 now… Crunch time.Are you going to sit on the sidelines and let this market eat whatever meat is left in your portfolio?Or are you gonna get in the game and make some plays happen?If you’re not in the Trade Room, you’re not in the game.You may be running around blind, and that’s a good way to get blindsided…Click here to learn how you change that.Now, let’s see how the watchlist held up this week.

The Kings Corner Watchlist Recap

A volatile week saw nearly every stock in my watchlist go up and down like a seesaw.We saw highs on Thursday… And if we looked at pricing from when I mentioned them on Monday to then, they’d all be big winners.But, we look at the week as a whole in the watchlist. Here’s where we sit at the time of this writing.C rose a slight 0.16% from $42.67 to $42.74.AMZN rose 0.67% from $114.97 to $115.75.TSLA fell 1.7% from $276.91 to $272.18.And AAPL took the sharpest drop, down 5% from $150.06 to $141.96.The free trade idea to buy the ARKK September 30, 2022 $42 calls for $0.10 worked out well.These calls traded up to $0.22 at their peak on Thursday afternoon.That would have been good for a sweet 120% gain a day before the S&P 500 hit new lows for the year.If you made money on this trade, or on any signal in the Trade Room, official or not, shoot me an email at and tell me which trade you took, how much you made, and what you plan to do with your winnings.Like I said, in times of adversity, you can either fold or rise to the challenge.For those like me, we rise to the challenge… That’s what makes us Kings.If you have what it takes to make money while others are losing it, come join us.

Til Monday,

Andrew KeeneEditor, Kings Corner