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Apple Co-Founder’s Crypto Soared 2,700% — Here’s Why

Since the crypto debuted on December 3, its price has skyrocketed from $0.10 to $2.73 — a gain of over 2,700%.

In 1976, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak helped create what would eventually become the world’s most valuable company.

Now he’s helping create a new way to invest.

Efforce, a new company co-founded by Wozniak, pairs investors with energy efficiency projects around the world.

These projects can include installing LED lights, upgrading power generators and any other proposals that would reduce a company’s energy needs.

Efforce could play an important environmental role by helping companies lower their carbon footprints. But it’s playing an important financial role as well.

That’s because investors who fund Efforce’s projects are rewarded with a brand-new cryptocurrency called WOZX, which is named after Wozniak.

Read on to learn more about what WOZX means for the future of investing — and why the crypto soared over 2,700% in a week.

Making Money for a Good Cause

Efforce is showing the potential for a new world of decentralized investing.

Investors who finance Efforce’s projects receive an amount of WOZX tokens in their digital wallets based on the size of their contributions.

Efforce calculates the cost savings of its energy efficiency plans and distributes a portion of the savings to WOZX owners in the form of credits.

The credits can then be redeemed for cash or, in some cases, used to reduce your electricity bill.

In this new dynamic, companies don’t need to ask investment firms for money in order to fund a project.

Instead, ordinary people from around the world can chip in by buying cryptos like WOZX — and reap the benefits themselves.

Since the crypto debuted on December 3, its price has skyrocketed from $0.10 to $2.73 — a gain of over 2,700%.

And with noble goals such as improved energy efficiency, investors can profit while helping the planet.

Cryptos: A New Kind of Investing

We’ve seen massive price moves in the crypto space this year, such as bitcoin shooting up over 220% in five months and Ethereum soaring nearly 400%.

But with decentralized investing becoming more mainstream, these gains will seem small compared to what’s ahead.

That’s why it’s crucial you sign up for Ian King’s Next Wave Crypto Fortunes presentation.

During this exclusive event, which takes place on December 17, Ian will talk about some of the biggest opportunities in the crypto world right now.

You can enjoy VIP early access to this special presentation by signing up now.


Jay Goldberg

Assistant Managing Editor, Banyan Hill Publishing