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Amazon, Google and Apple’s Antitrust War — Survive and Thrive

There’s an important action you can take as Google, Apple, Amazon and others go under the antitrust microscope...

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Last week’s Big Tech antitrust investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) came almost exactly two years after I started warning about this hidden threat.

The breadcrumbs were all there:

Big Tech was bound to draw too much attention from regulators and from both sides of the congressional aisle.

So if you’re a shareholder of a “market-leading online platform” (as the DOJ put it in its press release announcement last week), what do you do?

For now, nothing.

The Calm Before the Storm

Tech antitrust investigations take several years, at least. Historically, the share price of the companies at the center of them do well as the cases wind their way through the federal court system:

But as the cases drag on, the threat of a breakup or restructuring tends to weigh on the shares, alongside the inevitable worries over bear markets and recessions:

(Source: Capital IQ)

But there’s a second action you can take as Google, Apple, Amazon and others go under the antitrust microscope…

Winning the War Against Amazon

You can look for the proverbial “next big thing” and start redeploying your capital in that direction.

Which companies are winning the war against Amazon, for instance? I have several in my Total Wealth Insider portfolio.

Think about Microsoft in 2000. The company’s real threat wasn’t tech antitrust regulators. It was Google, smartphones and cloud computing.

The real threat for IBM in the 1970s was Intel — then a nearly unknown Silicon Valley company — and the rise of faster, cheaper and smaller computing systems than the room-sized mainframes IBM sold back then.

Best of good buys,

Jeff L. Yastine

Editor, Total Wealth Insider