Wall Street legend Ian King has spent the past 10 years immersed in the tech markets…

And his research has helped guide average Americans to profits from disruptive, emerging technologies.

In 2019 — he zeroed in on Tesla…

And those who followed his recommendation had the chance to make as much as 735% in just over a year.

In 2020, he homed in on SunPower — and just seven months later, recommended closing out half that position for a 780% gain with the second half still climbing.

And now, in his new video presentation…

King shares the details on his No. 1 tech stock for 2021.

“We’re at the beginning of the greatest tech boom in American history,” King says.

“Bigger than the Industrial Revolution … bigger than digital revolution … bigger than anything that’s come before.”

King’s research proves that not only will this Great American Tech Boom be bigger than ever … it’s barreling down on us faster than anything we’ve seen before.

“Recent events have catapulted America 30 years into the future. This will change EVERYTHING.”

“This is like having a brand-new stock market to invest in — one with exciting new opportunities that weren’t even imagined 10 years ago,” King says.

And in his special video presentation … he not only shares where these “new market opportunities” are hiding…

You’ll have the chance to see the details on his No. 1 tech stock pick for 2021.


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