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What I Just Learned About Trump’s “Manhattan Project” Changes Everything

New information has Ian King changing his thesis on Trump's "Manhattan Project"

I’m about to issue my first Code Red alert this Friday at 1PM…

And I want you to be part of it.

Because something shocking just came across my desk.

It’s a key piece of information that has me convinced the AI race is about to go supernova…

And I believe that what I’ve uncovered could also help send certain tiny AI stocks parabolic as soon as next week.

But first, let me explain how we got here.

On Monday we talked about the likelihood of AGI arriving in 2025

And how artificial superintelligence — or ASI — won’t be far behind.

But there’s no guarantee that the U.S. will achieve ASI first.

In fact, it’s easy to imagine a world where we lose the AI race to China.

A world in which China’s President Xi Jinping — NOT the United States — controls the most dominant military force on the planet.

According to a 212-page intelligence report from the Department of Defense, this is a very real threat facing our country today.

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The report details China’s master plan for dominating the world with its own version of ASI by the end of this year.

It explains how President Xi is spending billions to get this technology up and running…

And how he plans to use the power of ASI to not only try to leapfrog the U.S. as the world’s biggest economic power…

But to make China the most dominant military force on the planet.

Based on what I’ve just learned, we’re finally about to do something to make sure that doesn’t happen.

The China Problem

Most Americans don’t consider China a major military threat to the U.S.

But they are flat-out wrong.

China has a massive military, the second most powerful in the world behind the United States.

And now they plan to spend billions on ASI technology to surpass us.

America’s leading defense analyst Francis Tusa has warned:

“The Chinese are coming up with new weapon designs at a rate which is dizzying.”

Some experts believe China is already ahead of us with its military AI applications.

Like AI stealth missiles that can outmaneuver defense systems and destroy targets without being seen…

And these tiny AI-powered drone swarms that can take out submarines, tank battalions and even 60,000-ton battleships.


China already leads the world in implementing robotics…


And is reportedly constructing the world’s largest unmanned military force.

We have to be prepared for this eventuality.

In other words, we have to win the race to ASI.

Because if China is able to control ASI before us all hell could break loose.

As President Trump warned:

“We absolutely have to win. Because if we don’t win then China wins, and that’s a very bad world.’”

That’s why I urge you to join me tomorrow when I issue my first Code Red alert.

What I Just Learned

If you saw my viral presentation on Executive Order 001, you know that I’m convinced Trump is going to call upon the full resources of the United States of America to win the race to ASI.

I believe it’ll happen moments after he’s sworn in.

And he’ll do it by following the same blueprint the U.S. has used to win EVERY arms race in our near 250-year history…

By unleashing billions upon billions of dollars to develop this new technology.

Aides are already calling this massive multi-billion-dollar tech initiative Trump’s “Manhattan Project.”

How big could it be?

Adjusted for inflation, the original Manhattan Project in 1941 cost $30 billion.

At the time, it was the most expensive project in U.S. history.

But I just received new intel that has me convinced Trump’s “Manhattan Project” could be even bigger.

Because it seems this project will be getting a rare designation…

One that has only gone into effect a handful of times in our entire 250-year history.

And that’s forcing me to change my entire thesis on Trump’s Executive Order 001…

And the amount of impact Trump’s “Manhattan Project” will trigger.

I believe it will open the floodgates to billions upon billions more in contracts going to a select handful of AI companies…

And it could completely upend the AI race starting next week.

That’s why I’m rushing to deliver an emergency briefing to you this Friday at 1PM…

To make sure you have all the information you need to prepare for what’s coming.

Because it has the potential to send a handful of tiny AI stocks into the stratosphere as soon as January 20th.

I hope you understand the urgency here… and why I’ve saved a spot for you for Friday’s emergency briefing.

To claim your spot now just click on this link.


Ian King
Chief Strategist, Banyan Hill Publishing

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