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Simmer-Down Sunday: The Supercycle Begins

Harry Potter Hogwarts Feast EXF Supercycle Meme

Something Extreme This Way Comes

This is it, Great Ones! The homestretch of the holiday season.

Don’t get cold feet now — and watch out for any dementors, grinches and ghosts of Christmas past getting in the way of celebrating.

Wait wait wait, how in the world is Harry Potter a holiday movie?

It … umm … has snow? Feasting? Cozy, festive vibes? The series is a semi-wholesome, heartwarming tale of friendship? No holiday season is complete without a Harry Potter marathon or three, I say…

Sure, whatever, just please never say “cozy, festive vibes” again.

Anyway… It’s Sunday and we’re simmering down the week’s cozy, festive Greatness for you. The one thing everyone at Banyan Hill is talking about this week?

Paul ’s latest event — Phase 2: The Supercycle Begins.

Thousands of viewers tuned in to hear one of Paul’s boldest predictions yet. If you didn’t have time yet this week to view it, they decided to leave this video up for a little longer. (Lucky you!)

Who said Great Ones didn’t get to go behind the velvet ropes?

When you click here, you’ll find out:

  Why some of the biggest, most well-known companies today may not exist just years from now.

•  All the details on the stocks that are positioned to become the market leaders of tomorrow.

  Why Paul predicts 1,000% potential gains in 12 months could be on the table with the market he is telling people to buy into.

  How to claim a three-year membership to Paul’s small innovation stock research at the lowest rate in our history.

Click here for all the details!

And once you’re done checking out some magic, here’s some more Greatness you might’ve missed this week:

Can Crypto Cancel Cloud Conundrums?

Last week’s AWS outage revealed a critical conundrum when it comes to using cloud-service providers. The solution? Decentralizing data centers.



When Batteries Die, It’s AAA Tragedy

Electric vehicles (EVs) are cool and all, but they’re nothing without the batteries that power them. That’s why EV bulls are so hyped — erm, charged — for this brand-new battery tech.



 You, Me & A Dangerous Game Of QE

Interest rates are like a dangerous game of stock market Jenga — start raising rates too quickly and the whole U.S. economy is bound to come crashing down.



Calling All Ye Portfolio Preppers!

A stock market “supercycle” is underway that’ll topple many America 1.0 companies that are “too big to fail.” Are any of these dinosaurs still in your portfolio?




Virtual sneaker seller RTFKT is bringing Nike style to the metaverse — and taking us deeper down the NFT rabbit hole.



Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Great Ones! We’ll be back with you tomorrow to … well … do it all over again.

In the meantime, write to us whenever the market muse calls to you! is where you can reach us best.

And here’s where you can find our other junk — erm, I mean where you can check out some more Greatness:

Until next time, stay Great!