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Simmer-Down Sunday: Hair-Raising Holiday Hooplas

Great Ones Omicron Earnings Home Alone Meme

Home Alone For The Holidays?

Not when you have Great Stuff to keep you company!

Well, us and the incessant notifications from Robinhood telling you: “Hey, hey! All your travel stocks are down! Oooh, now they’re down some more! Did I mention bitcoin is down too?”

Some of this volatility is to be expected. Between hair-raising holiday hooplas and last-minute portfolio purging, the last few weeks of the year always seem steeped in chaos.

But add a few market calamities into the mix, whether they’re warranted or not — I’m looking at you, Omicron — and this time of the year seems scarier for stocks than usual.

I mean, those of us at Great Stuff HQ just wanna nestle into the couch — or Lovesac, if adult-sized bean bag chairs are your thing — and get our Christmas movie marathon on. Ain’t nobody got time for more market madness.

And yet, this is the world we live in.

So… Considering we’re practically seconds away from the New Year’s countdown, I feel it’s my duty to start the annual “be safe, all ye travelers” spiel once more.

Whatever far-off destinations you’re traveling to … whatever festive shenanigans you get up to as we wind down the year … stay safe out there, Great Ones.

The same goes for all y’all filthy animals partying at home, alone or otherwise. (No plans are the best plans — change my mind!)

And above all else, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, capisce? Especially when it comes to your portfolio.

I know, I know. That’s sounds like free rein for endless frivolity … but someone’s gotta say it. Besides, someone’s also gotta remind you to kick back and enjoy the holiday festivities … even as the market burns down around us.

And remember, this is Great Stuff you’re reading! We always have a plan no matter what home invaders … erm, portfolio invaders target our doorsteps. Even if that plan includes hastily made booby traps and 10 large cheese pizzas.

Anyway, in case you’ve been busy hiding from the financial news, holiday-partying it up early or laying traps around your house (just in case, you know) … here’s some more Greatness you might’ve missed this week:

“Oil Be Seeing You,” Says Russia To Ukraine

That Texas Tea y’all like to drink may be coming back in style… It just depends on whether Russia is feeling “naughty” or “nice” this Christmas.



It’s A Lidar Lollapalooza

Lidar! It’s the tech that puts the “C” in cars — er, it’s the tech that helps cars C. Like eyes … but for cars? Yeah, let’s go with that.



My Solar Plexus Hurts

All hail the glowing orb! Give us power, give us strength! Give us clean, renewable energy!




Never Tell Me The Odds

Pssh, y’all still invest in Earth stocks? That’s so terrestrial… Here’s how you can set your portfolio’s sights higher — without all the space puns.



Mobileye On The Prize; Or, Intel’s Ineptitude Test

Mobileye’s record growth is just too big for Intel’s umbrella, ella, ella — and Intel could’ve used the $20 billion, like, yesterday.



Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Great Ones! We’ll be back with you tomorrow to … well … do it all over again.

In the meantime, write to us whenever the market muse calls to you! is where you can reach us best.

And here’s where you can find our other junk — erm, I mean where you can check out some more Greatness:

Until next time, stay Great!

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