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The Poetry of Economic Reopening; Pro Tips for Newbie Investors

Distant economic growth calls to me. Rolling stock market gains seduce my heart. Curse the electric fence! Curse the electric fence!

Distant economic growth calls to me. Rolling stock market gains seduce my heart. Curse the electric fence! Curse the electric fence!

Here We Grow Again

The distant economic growth calls to me. Their rolling stock market gains seduce my heart. Oh, how I want to graze on those lush returns, let my positions run up those green slopes.

Alas, I cannot. Curse the electric fence! Curse the electric fence!

We’re riffing a little on Gary Larson’s The Far Side today. Anyone remember “Cow Poetry”?

The June payrolls data has Great Stuff in an odd mood today, if you couldn’t tell.

The better-than-expected report saw the U.S. add 4.8 million jobs last month, while economists projected 3 million payroll additions. What’s more, the unemployment rate fell from 13.3% in May to 11.1% in June.

“Today’s positive jobs report does provide a powerful signal of how swiftly US job growth can bounce back and how rapidly businesses can reopen once the nation finally brings the coronavirus under control — a reason for optimism in coming months,” said Andrew Chamberlain, the chief economist at Glassdoor.

We can almost taste the return of solid economic growth. It’s right there. We can hear it calling to us from those distant hills. The economy wants to run. It wants to be free. If only the electric fence … err, the coronavirus didn’t zap us every time we tried to move forward.

But, I’m afraid, dear reader, that we’ll get zapped for quite some time.

Vice President Pence said this morning that the administration would “keep opening up America.” Florida Governor DeSantis announced that he wouldn’t delay reopening the state’s economy either.

Don’t get me wrong: reopening is good. We need to reopen to keep the economy healthy enough for a speedy recovery. But reopening without a plan to contain the coronavirus will just send us all right back into lockdown.

It’s a fine line to walk, balancing reopening with measures to contain the spread of the virus.

Right now, that’s not going so well. We’re seeing more than 40,000 new cases a day. If left unchecked, sooner or later the virus itself will limit economic growth … never mind shutting down the economy.

Getting back to Larson, we can see our investment hopes and dreams … the lush gardens of an economic mega boom fueled by mountains of Fed cash and stimulus payments … and it’s just on the other side of this cursed coronavirus fence.

Editor’s Note: What we’re not on the fence about is “One Trade.” Mike Carr’s One Trade strategy makes one trade on one single investment every week, targeting 100% returns every time.

If it sounds too simple to be true, wait until Mike opens your eyes to the possibilities!

Now, I had to sweet-talk the right ears to get you a chance to check out Mike Carr’s premier offer. The perfect volatility-beating strategy doesn’t just waltz our way every day, you see. But Great Stuff has your back!

Click here to learn about this limited time offer for Mike Car’s One Trade strategy that simplifies investing to the bare basics.

Looking forward to some Reader Feedback?

The whole team here is, and it’s not just because we get to rant, ramble and rave at you — err, I mean with you. Our inbox has been chock-full of folks talking about holiday plans, disconnecting from social media and feeling like newbies in the market.

There’s something for everything at this video-streamed cookout, and I thank you all in advance for writing! Let’s dive in:

Plant Plans

I feel safe putting in a lot of bedding plants and avoiding crowds, well, I’m thinking about the [local event]. Maybe, but I hear the news and it’s a bit scary to say the least. I might just expand the garden. Safer that way.

Norman T.

Norman, my man! We didn’t want to give out your super-secret shindig, you see, but thank you for sharing your story. I’ve known quite a few folks embark on that “homestead” life, trying to wean off the false security of supermarket food supplies and the associated paranoias.

Good luck with your harvest! Me? Oh, when my single avocado jar plant takes off … we’ll be eating good. You’ll all see.

Panned Plant Plans

Call it a learning process or a fools’ errand, but I got burned bad this year on weed stocks. Still holding the bag on Hexo from last year but I may finally sell the damn thing, pack up and move the money back to tech like I should’ve been in all along.

I thought people would want more weed and weed stocks during lockdowns but maybe people just don’t go heavy anymore like we used to. Disappointing but whatever.

Uhhh no Fourth plans outside here, since I want to make it to next year. Listen to Tommy Guerrero for chill tunes while you do your research and thanks for your emails.

Jo F.

Hello Jo, it’s Joe again. I like the cut of your rambling jib; are you sure we’re not related? You give a music pick, Great Stuff gives stock picks … I like this exchange here.

You implied it yourself: Tech has raged, is raging and will rage. Outside of a special dash of speculation here and there, we both know it pays to stick with longer-term mega trends that will keep powering your portfolio … pandemic or no pandemic.

Thankfully, the world is your tech-laden oyster, fellow Jo!

What kind of tech gets your non-gas-powered motor running? Is it the dawn of power plays for electric vehicles? The rise of artificial intelligence (AI, and not the HAL 9000 kind of AI)?

You name the trend, and we’ve got the market opportunities. Here are two of my favorite tech waves you can check out right now (click below):

And on the burned-on-pot front (not the fun one), I hear you. Even when the industry’s virtually made for pandemic living.



Philip A.

No, thank you!

Thanks (Again)

Go to a Veteran’s cemetery, salute and give thanks to the many who have sacrificed. And I’ll go home and worry my **** off about where we’re (USA) going. Happy Fourth.

Larkin B.

I’m right there with you, Larkin. This year, I plan on more laughing, less worrying. Let’s both give it a go and stay Great!

Keep It OG

No, I won’t need to take a break from anti-social media this summer. I’ve always considered it a platform for making morons feel as if their opinions matter. Besides, if I feel the compelling need to criticize something about you, I’ll just do it the old fashioned way and call you on my hand-cranked phone that’s mounted to the wall next to my ice box.
Greg S.

A platform that makes morons feel as if their opinions matter. Oh man, I don’t want to tell you about TV, radio, newspapers and everything back to the first memes on stone tablets.…

I’m glad you didn’t mention financial e-zines. We’re still cool, right?

All Pros Were Newbies

(Please don’t laugh … as I’m a newbie.)

MY QUESTION: I would like to buy stock in Discovery Metals Corp. Would it be a problem for me as it’s located in Canada and I am in the U.S.? How would I go about doing it? By setting up an account first with TD Ameritrade and then I would be able to purchase some stock?

What do you think of this plan? (Lots of questions, I know.)

Thanks so much for helping me with your advice.

Nancy P.

Thanks for writing in, Nancy! Keep the questions coming. Quick disclaimer: We can’t give out personal financial advice, plan out your specific financial game plan, nothing in investing is guaranteed, yada yada yada.

Anyway, welcome to the international trading sphere! Pretty rarefied air, huh? Let’s break down what options most brokerage accounts have for trading overseas (and overland, in this case, I guess).

Oftentimes, brokerages will let you to buy stocks over the counter — meaning not through your “normal” exchange. I don’t recommend this, personally, since hardly anyone trades those tickers. You’ll have a hard time getting into and out of the position … and that’s not including over-the-counter fees.

Confused? Don’t be!

What you want is the real McCoy: The ticker listed on its home exchange, where you’ll be buying shares in its home currency. Discovery Metals Corp. (TSX.V: DSV) mainly trades on the Toronto Venture Exchange, which is where you’ll find a host of all these tiny mining stocks listed and frequently traded.

Access to that exchange will vary from broker to broker, so we’ve included below a handy-dandy list of common brokerages … and how to get in touch with them!

If you already have a brokerage account: call up the customer service line. Ask about international trading. Specify that you’re interested in global stocks — not trading over the counter.

If you don’t have a brokerage account yet: thin out the broker herd a bit. See which broker offers an online platform that you find simple to use, with easy-to-find information. Before you sign up, get on the phone and ask what kind of international trading they offer — and which exchanges you can access.

Interactive Brokers 1-877-442-2757
Fidelity 1-800-343-3548
E-Trade 1-800-ETRADE-1
eOption 1-888-793-5333
Ally 1-855-880-2559
Charles Schwab 1-866-232-9890

Gold … It’s in Great Stuff

Before I sign off today, remember that the market is closed tomorrow for the Independence Day holiday. Yes, even on the third of July … if the fourth falls on a weekend.

But never fear: You can bet that we’ll keep an eye on the market for any and all opportunities the second it opens bright and early on Monday morn. Someone’s gotta scope out the Great Stuff for you!

Will you really be waiting at the opening bell? Don’t you have a life?

Yeah … totally. What, you don’t get antsy with anticipation every new trading day? It’s the second-best thing since reading through all of your emails. And on that note, if there’s anything on your mind that you’d like to share with us, by all means — share away!

Send an email to with your thoughts, questions or concerns. We’ll get to them in next week’s edition of Reader Feedback.

You can also check us out on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Until next time, be Great!

Joseph Hargett

Editor, Great Stuff

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