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Economist Warns: “The Collapse of 2016 Has Already Begun.”

Collapse 2016 is a gripping presentation that offers a grim look at the economic reality the U.S stock market and economy will soon be facing.

Featuring a candid talk by famed economist and best-selling author James Dale Davidson, this disturbing Collapse 2016 video reveals the harsh economic truths that Washington and Wall Street don’t want you to know.

In the Collapse 2016 presentation, Davidson — a man who, because of his accurate predictions, has been invited to shake hands and counsel the likes of former presidents Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton … and he’s had the good fortune to befriend and convene with George Bush Sr., Steve Forbes, Donald Trump, Margaret Thatcher, Sir Roger Douglas and even Boris Yeltsin — issues the most dire financial warning in his esteemed career — a message that will send shivers down your spine.

In short, in Davidson’s controversial new Collapse 2016 video, he uses 20 unquestionable charts to prove his point that a 50% stock market crash is here … and it’s going to take the entire economy down with it.

And although our future may seem bleak, as Davidson says, “There is no need to fall victim to the future. If you are on the right side of what’s ahead, you could seize opportunities that come along once, maybe twice, in a lifetime.”

Editor’s Note: Over 5 million people have watched the Collapse 2016 presentation. Click Here.

Perhaps most importantly, in this new Collapse 2016 video presentation, Davidson reveals what he and his family are doing to prepare right now. (It’s unconventional and even controversial, but proven to work.)

While Davidson intended the video for a private audience only, original viewers leaked it out and now thousands view this video every day.

One anonymous viewer wrote: “Davidson uses clear evidence that spells out the looming collapse of 2016, and he does it in a simple language that anyone can understand.” (Indeed, Davidson uses a sandcastle, a $5 bill and straightforward analogies to prove his points.)

With his permission, I reposted the video on a private website. Click here to watch it now.

So is the American economy going to collapse in 2016? The answer to this question, and so much more, is revealed in the Collapse 2016 video presentation.

Editor’s Note: For a limited time, viewers of James Dale Davidson’s Collapse 2016 presentation can claim a free copy of Davidson’s new book “Age of Deception.” Go here to view it now.

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