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Cold War 2.0 Could Become World War III, at Any Moment, if This Red Line is Crossed

The United States is preparing to launch a first strike, nuclear attack on Beijing.

Don’t believe it? Good. Because it’s not true.

The problem, according to the Directors of the FBI, CIA, NSA and Pentagon, is that Xi Jinping — the authoritarian leader of the People’s Republic of China — is using that lie to justify escalating his communist regime’s conflict with our country.

It’s just one of the startling conclusions to come to light in a now declassified report. You can see it for yourself right here.

Many at the highest levels of our intelligence community are starting to fear President Xi could be getting dangerously close to crossing the ultimate red line.

Attacking what is being referred to as “America’s Single Point of Failure.”

Inside this futuristic building you’ll find a critical vulnerability that could incapacitate our military, and take down our power grid, financial markets, and telecommunications networks.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared that whoever controls what’s inside this building will become “the ruler of the world.”

But with Putin suffering a series of defeats in Ukraine, he won’t be the dictator to attack it. His friend in China is a different story.

If President Xi Jinping were to successfully attack this building, he could topple $37 trillion of the global economy and plummet the United States into a crippling depression.

Christopher Wray, the director of the FBI, warns Xi’s endgame is to transform our country into a Cold War-era “East Germany.”

That’s why it’s recommended that every American take a few moments to view this must-see interview.

It features a decorated US Air Force Veteran who has advised the Pentagon, DARPA, and NATO. He has teamed up with a leading economist to warn Americans of the dire threats to national and financial security that each of us face in the months ahead.

You can watch a private airing of this interview here.


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