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10X in Today’s Market Fortunes are made in bear markets. That’s why now is the best time to be a long-term investor in my opinion.
This Special Situation Is Hiding in Plain Sight
by Charles Mizrahi October 11, 2022 Investing, Real Talk, Stocks
It involves three companies that were founded more than 100 years ago.
dividend growth stocks down here Pennywise meme 4 Dividend Stocks That Rock, Big Oil Hertz & Peloton’s Just Done
by Joseph Hargett September 27, 2022 Great Stuff
When The Walls Come Tumbling Down Great Ones, some talking heads ain’t no damn good. You can’t trust ‘em, you can’t love ‘em. No good deed goes unpunished, but I’m done being their whipping boy… Me too, Mr. John Cougar Great Stuff … but how? One word, Great Ones… Plastics? Y’all, The Graduate, while a […]
Marked safe EA acquired Amazon meme Amazon’s Electronic Arts; T-Mobile’s Orbital Roaming; Nio Sticks It To Short Sellers
by Joseph Hargett August 26, 2022 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Always A Bridesmaid” Edition Great Ones, there was quite a buzz this morning surrounding video game publisher Electronic Arts (Nasdaq: ) … a buzz that sent EA stock soaring more than 15% in premarket trading. According to a Swedish gaming website, (Nasdaq: ) is making an announcement today that it […]
Buy cereal Kellogg Frosted Flakes Great meme Kellogg Killed The Cereal Star, Homebuilding Billions, RV There Yet?
by Joseph Hargett June 21, 2022 Great Stuff
Cereal Killer Great Ones, it’s official. We’re looking at the end of an era today. But I think we all saw the writing on the wall… Back in the ‘90s, they took our Saturday morning cartoons. Gone. Poof. But that was OK because we still had bowls of cereal, ice-cold milk and plenty of ways […]

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