Anywhere But HereFebruary 29, 2016by Ted BaumanOffshore LivingOur political system is in turmoil, our Constitution is under strain, our quality of life is falling and here you are, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Isn’t it about time you set aside ideology and focus on what’s important?
Don’t Buy the Earnings HypeFebruary 19, 2016by Chad ShoopU.S. EconomyWall Street is pushing a positive earnings narrative this season. But, with corporations doing everything to please shareholders, are the true results really that positive? When the veil comes down, so too will the market.
Privacy for Sale: No Warrant NeededFebruary 17, 2016by Ted BaumanPrivacy InvasionPolice may need a warrant to use GPS to track your vehicle, but new high-tech toys have created a serious loophole for government surveillance. As a result, tracking your car has created an unholy alliance between profit and policing.
Freedom Isn’t Simple … or EasyFebruary 8, 2016by Ted BaumanGovernment & PoliticsWhen it comes to property rights, there is a fine line between government we like and government we don’t. One thing’s for certain, though; your rights won’t enforce themselves.
A Modest Proposal to Save the WorldFebruary 4, 2016by Jeff OpdykeGlobal EconomyThe strength of the dollar is causing trouble for the U.S. jobs market and for the entire global commodities market. There’s only one thing to do to end the chaos: Kill the U.S. dollar.
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