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Latest Insights on CMCSA

Great Stuff 9-19-2019 Roku Investors out of Touch; Microsoft’s Handing out Cash
by Joseph Hargett September 19, 2019 Great Stuff
Out of Touch on Streaming Shake it up is all that Wall Street knows. Using companies up as they go. But those companies really matter to me. Take a look around. Investors are out of touch with the streaming-device market, but they’re not out of time. (OK, I’ll stop paraphrasing Hall & Oates lyrics now.) […]
Check Your Bills: Beat the Market by Investing in Companies You Use New investors looking for the next BIG opportunity will overlook these mundane companies. But their performance puts them well ahead of the broader market. Here’s what you need to know to build the base of your portfolio. (2-minute read)
Carmageddon Is Coming
by Joseph Hargett June 6, 2019 Great Stuff
And I looked, and beheld pale affordable ride-sharing: and his name that caught a Lyft was Death, and Carmageddon followed with him. Are you prepared for the end of times for personal vehicles? Dogs and cats ride-sharing together … mass hysteria! It’s happening already. Well, not the “dogs and cats” thing. They don’t have opposable […]
I Find Your Lack of Investment Disturbing
by Joseph Hargett May 15, 2019 Great Stuff
The more The Walt Disney Co. (NYSE: DIS) tightens its grip, the less online media is able to slip between its fingers. The Mouse’s House has finally assumed control of online streaming platform Hulu … paying former owner Comcast Corp. (Nasdaq: CMCSA) a measly $5.8 billion. Hulu is the final piece in Disney’s master plan […]
Avoid Comcast’s Mega-Merger Meltdown
by Joseph Hargett June 15, 2018 Economy, Trending
The Department of Justice has cleared the way for mega mergers, but for one company, it’s looking like a very bad deal.

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