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No Security in Social Security No Security in Social Security
by Chad Shoop March 4, 2016 Retirement
Social Security is a train wreck. But even if you have planned well for Social Security's failure, there’s an investment strategy that will help shore up your retirement funds. And who couldn’t use a few hundred dollars extra a month?
Gold Coins’ Untold Opportunity
by Jeff Yastine February 5, 2016 Gold
Gold coin sales are surging. Don't miss your chance to count your blessings and get in on this limited time investment opportunity.
Image for silver supply Silver’s Shrinking Supply
by Jeff Yastine January 26, 2016 Precious Metals
The world's silver supply is shrinking. Not only is less of the precious metal being mined, but fewer people are selling their scrap silver. With so little supply, but growing demand, prices are bound to jump.
Image for China's market collapse The Chinese Market: A Sleeping Dragon or The Misunderstood Giant
by Jeff Opdyke January 20, 2016 Global Economy
The media has spread fear about China's market collapse for months, but it's time to look beyond the headlines. The numbers are in, and it's the U.S., not China, who's in trouble...
Image for trouble for American worker Is the American Worker Obsolete?
by Jeff Yastine January 12, 2016 U.S. Economy
In an attempt to increase their profit margins, multinational companies are looking to cut their labor costs, which may mean trouble for American workers...

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“I'm very Happy with your services. I hope you don't plan to retire any time soon! My retirement portfolio depends on your expert guidance. Keep up the great work! Thanks.”

- Randy

"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

- Helen C.

“My portfolio has grown from 275k to almost 900k with only investments made with Banyan Hill.”

- David G. (Member since 2018)

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