We Have a Debt ProblemFebruary 23, 2017by James Dale DavidsonU.S. EconomyIn 1957, a dollar of debt produced $0.54 of additional income. No longer. Debt has increased more than twice as fast as the growth of the economy.
Americans Are Racing for the ExitsFebruary 16, 2017by Bob BaumanGovernment & PoliticsSuperman was ahead of his time when he renounced his U.S. citizenship following a dispute with the government. Now, more Americans than ever before are following his example.
Energy Is a Long-Term BuyFebruary 6, 2017by Michael CarrTrading StrategiesWhen a rubber band is stretched too far, it tends to snap back. The same is true of stocks in the long run … with the long run measured in years.
The EU MeltdownDecember 7, 2016by Jeff OpdykeGoldThe European Union is headed for meltdown with the failure of the Italian referendum vote. Many votes are still ahead and this spells trouble for U.S.
Escape the Election FalloutNovember 7, 2016by Ted BaumanOffshore LivingNeither Trump nor Clinton are ideal choices in tomorrow’s election. It could be worse … and it probably will be. But there are other choices available, if you’re willing to free your mind.
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