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The Death of Encryption The Death of Encryption
by Ted Bauman April 25, 2016 Privacy Invasion
Data encryption is the last line of defense between your privacy and government overreach. But a new privacy-destroying bill before the Senate could put your personal data at risk.
Don't Buy the Panama Papers Panic Don’t Buy the Panama Papers Panic When it comes to the Panama Papers scandal, the media is tilting at windmills … targeting the wrong people for the wrong issues. But there are real issues here. Don’t be fooled by the smokescreen.
Peak Oil Get Ready for What Comes Next Peak Oil: Get Ready for What Comes Next
by Jeff Yastine February 23, 2016 Oil
Oil prices are low for now, but demand is rising in China, India and the U.S., and refiners are already in “max gasoline mode.” One thing’s certain, out of sync oil means profit … if you’re prepared.
Image for U.S. dollar A Modest Proposal to Save the World
by Jeff Opdyke February 4, 2016 Global Economy
The strength of the dollar is causing trouble for the U.S. jobs market and for the entire global commodities market. There’s only one thing to do to end the chaos: Kill the U.S. dollar.
A Bull On Gold and Technology A Bull on Gold and Technolgy
by Jeff Yastine February 3, 2016 Investing
Looking for a bull market? Paul , the latest addition to the Sovereign team, sees investment opportunities in gold, precious metals stocks and disruptive technologies. Read the rest of Paul's interview to find out why...

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