Thousands of Americans are scrambling for details on “freedom checks”… checks so big, one recipient boasts, “it’s like winning the lottery.”

And with a massive expected payout of $34.6 billion, it’s clear why Reuters says these freedom checks are “delivering a windfall” and Seeking Alpha calls them a “hidden gem.”

But you will have to take action before the deadline for the best chance to stake your full claim.

Doug Smith, a 46-year-old from Joplin, Missouri, is already set to get a freedom check for $24,075.

Lisa Luhrman, a 57-year-old in Tulsa, Oklahoma is cashing in an even bigger check for $66,570.

And Mike Reed from Golden, Colorado, is set to get a massive check for $160,923.

In a new video presentation, acclaimed financial expert Matt Badiali, who coined the term Freedom Checks, reveals how you can get started no matter your age, income or net worth.

Matt says: “This is the biggest cash grab in history. In my opinion, this private program is 10 times better than Social Security. It’s like a secret retirement program anyone can partake in.”

However, the deadline is only days away. So don’t wait.

I strongly urge you to see how easy it is to claim your share of this $34.6 billion payout … click here to watch Matt’s presentation now.
