AI’s Final Frenzy Will Be
The Most Lucrative Event
Of The Last 24 Years
A pivotal market event is fast approaching.
It will be the most dramatic and lucrative event in more than two decades.
It’s called AI’s Final Frenzy, and it starts September 18.
The last time anything remotely similar happened, was during the dot com boom in 2000.
Back then, some investors made fortunes on companies like…
Ebay… which soared 2,349%…
Amazon… which went up 2,725%…
Qualcomm… which shot-up over 3,500%…
All in less than two years.
Now, the exact same thing is about to happen all over again, with AI.
In this just-released new interview, famed investor Ian King reveals why we’re about to witness an unprecedented period of investment euphoria over the next two years.
He says the S&P could double or even triple in the months ahead, as AI’s Final Frenzy takes flight.
And five, little-known, specific AI stocks will be the chief beneficiaries.
King reveals full details on all five in his special new interview.
He also outlines why the biggest gains will be made by investors who move first (as in today.)
To get up to speed on AI’s Final Frenzy before lift-off happens on September 18, please click here.